Camarilla Italia and the International Club: open letter for a better common future

Dear foreign and Italian affiliates,
we want you to know what the National Council of Camarilla Italia has decided on the matter of the cooperation within an international club.

We have decided for a change and for a proposal.

1) Our change
Considering that some foreign members are resetting the international chronicle by means of global plots that don’t fit well with the plots of the other members who aren’t going to reset, Camarilla Italia is cutting Italian Chronicle off from the international timeline starting from 2012/12/01. Anyway our storytellers are going to continue the cooperation with foreign storytellers in the establishment of new plots and game rules.

2) Our proposal
Considering that the voting system of the new international club MES is not going to be based on the principle “1 nation, 1 vote” and considering that some of the international affiliates (e.g. Italy) don’t appreciate this MES voting system, We suggest two combined operations, in order to avoid splittings and to remain “good neighbors”:

First operation: each club could join the MES, as a federation of independent national clubs: no international subscriptions, no Global staff, no addendum, no votes, no rules except for a few ones incident to reciprocal acknowledgement between MES Clubs:
1) Acknowledgement of each national club as the sole legitimate club inside within its national boundaries;
2) Affiliates who are expelled from their national MES club are expelled from every MES club;
3) Players from MES clubs can join foreign game sessions of other MES clubs, keeping their MC, but obviously they have to submit their character background and character sheet to the foreign storytellers, since they originally come from a different timeline and from a different game system;
4) A shared and very simple internet site and a very small staff, for functional purpose only (if USA or other MES founder clubs cannot provide this site and this staff for every other club for free, Camarilla Italia offers to do it);
5) A shared decisional staff only for managing very rare controversial situations, possibly using Camarilla Trustees if we don’t want to set up a new office. If we don’t want to involve the Trustees in this, MES national clubs will take turns in providing the before-said staff, shifting every year or every 6 months.

We hope that this first operation will be discussed in the dedicated international mailing lists.

Second operation: some of the MES clubs could create a New International Club (from now on “NIC”). NIC will have its shared timeline, a global staff (in particular an MST), an addendum and a membership handbook. Venues from clubs outside NIC will be considered dark places by NIC Storytellers (and vice versa). In order to do this, the interested clubs will create a temporary international commission, composed by 1 delegate for each NIC country, with the purpose of approving a Name, a (maybe new) Membership Handbook and a new Global Staff (1 vote for each delegate for the decisions of the commission). Any national club is welcome, including ex or old Camarilla members such as France, Germany, UK, etc.

In other words, MES could be the generic big box and NIC a specific smaller one inside MES.

If some of the clubs want to join this NIC, please contact us at .

24 November 2012

Antonio Ferraro
President of Camarilla Italia

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